What Will You Do in 2022?


Some have asked us recently what we believe The Lord is saying about 2022. With every New Year there is an interest of what will unfold...However, It seems many are even more interested this year and what it holds, because the last two years have been greatly volatile with extreme changes and challenges. So what will this year bring, what are we to expect, and how are we to prepare for this year? This is what we believe wholeheartedly and most assuredly………2022 will be filled with opportunities to mature the more. Challenges and changes are meant to be profitable in our lives for greater gain. If we indeed steward with wisdom, we can develop more fully in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Without reservation, this should always be our goal as an apprentice of Christ. With any Challenge whether it be an exhortation coming as a challenge for maturity in areas of our lives, or we are actually in a manifested intense battle…. There is always for The Follower of Christ, an invitation to partner with HIM and expect a favorable outcome for His Glory. And quite frankly and obviously...these times we are currently living in surely have increasing intensity with many opportunities available for maturation. Now the way we perceive and steward these changes and challenges have much to do with how well we will grow during this year, and even if we will grow at all. We must be resolved to know that spiritual growth should always be an aim lest we shrink back and become stagnant. We are reminded that “the just shall live by faith and HE takes no pleasure in those who shrink back.” (Hebrews 10:38) The writer of Hebrews also tells us “We must give our full attention to what we were told, so we won’t drift away.” (Hebrews 2:1.) “The Great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance.” Oswald Chambers. This new year will bring about growth for those who love HIM Unswervingly. Love is the driving force in maturity. Those desiring to become more conformed to HIS Image have become adamant to leave elementary teachings behind and continue to advance being fully dependent upon Him to wrap us in truth, and steer clear of landmines of deception. Landmines of deception will set our temperature on lukewarm and get us swayed into the belief system and customs of this present age of darkness. There cannot be compromised in the Follower of Christ. The ones who will develop in more maturation will be instructed by The Lord and will have the tongue of the learned. We are sure each one of us can testify if we would so admit it, that we have at times in our journey used our tongues in a way that has not been befitting for an Apprentice of Jesus. We so believe HE is saying give Me your tongue to be purified during this season of challenges and speak forth the things I give you and withhold the words that would be the manifestation of the immature. If we do not have words of life and calling forth those things that are not as though they are. (Romans 4:17) … our words are futile… If we are going about murmuring and complaining about our circumstances, we set ourselves up to be an open target for the enemy to captivate us into self-pity. If we do not have a redemptive answer to give to others and ourselves… We do not have THE ANSWER. Oh, that we would become more like HIM this 2022. It takes resolve and leaning upon HIM. We cannot manufacture this spiritual growth that HE so desires for us, but we can cooperate with Him and lean into HIS fellowship as HE develops us. For the Follower of Christ, it is not optional if we will read HIS Word and Pray. These are Everyday Spiritual Disciplines that are imperative. If one waits to get in the Word and pray when trials are breathing upon them and trying to suck the life out of them...… well… it’s a bit late. Not that HE want receive us once repentance takes place but… Why linger and be growth undeveloped, wasting precious time, and creating more messes when we as The Redeemed can live each day becoming more like HIM, and walking in Wisdom that HE provides? What will you do in 2022? We all have choices. We all have opportunities. We all have challenges. What we do with them is the determining factor. If we think we are an isolated victim of trials…. NEWS FLASH!!! WRONG! We each one will meet some intense challenges this year. What will they be? We do not know… But what we do know is that these challenges will present an opportunity for us to grow up in more maturity. If we inquire of HIM, stay diligent in our relationship and love walk with HIM, desire for HIM to get Glory out of the intense trials in our lives, then we will grow. We must order our conversation aright. Think on those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable excellent and Praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). It is a must to Love Large even when we are misunderstood by others, It is not optional, We must choose love anyway. When we have been lacking in love toward others, be quick to repent, and ask Holy Spirit for help. To avoid deception in these days we must put on Christ and make no provision for the flesh. (Romans 13:14). It is necessary to stay connected to The Body by being planted at a Christ Exalting, Full Gospel Church that teaches The Uncompromised Word of God, Training and Discipleship, and then releases with a blessing to a hurting and lost world. We must be prayerful for Gifts of Holy Spirit that may have been dormant in us to arise, and for us, as well as our brothers and sisters In Christ Globally to walk out our God ordained destiny for Jesus’ Glory. 2022 is a Year of Increased Intensity and Spiritual Maturity. Will You Participate?


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Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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